For English version see below
Halo Member Indodax,
Sesuai dengan komitmen Indodax untuk terus berinovasi demi kenyamanan dan keamanan member kami, kami mempunyai 2 fitur terbaru di Dua fitur baru tersebut adalah:

- Username as Address
Anda bisa menggunakan username Anda sebagai address untuk menerima aset digital dari sesama member Indodax. Untuk menggunakan fitur ini, saat ada di laman kirim aset digital, pilih ‘Username’ di metode input dan masukkan username Indodax tujuan.

- Cancel All Order Pending
Fitur ini akan membantu Anda untuk membatalkan semua order beli maupun jual yang masih pending.
Apabila mempunyai pertanyaan, silakan hubungi [email protected] atau melalui fitur live chat di website
Hello Indodax Member,
As Indodax’s commitment to continue to innovate for our members’ security and comfort, we launched 2 newest features at The new features are:

- Username as Address
You can use your username as an address to receive digital asset from fellow Indodax members. To use this feature, when on the send digital asset page, select ‘Username’ in the input method and enter Indodax username.

- Cancel All Order Pending
This feature will help you cancel all pending buy or sell orders.
If you have questions, please contact [email protected] or through the live chat feature on the website.